Gjejhallall.com | hidro izolime

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hidro izolime

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Esselamu -Alejkum !
Pershendetje ! Ne ofrojme sherbime ne fushen e hidroizolimeve,themele ,banjo,dhe tarraca.perdorim materiale cilesore te teknollogjise se fundit ne fushen e hidroizolimeve, qe ofrojne garanci afatgjate.cmimet jane konkuruese.gjithashtu ne ofrojme sherbime dhe ne arredimin dhe mobilimin te shtepive, prodhojme, dhoma gjumi ,kuzhina, etj.... per me shume lini nje mesazh ne njoftimin tuaj dhe do tu kontaktojme.

Greetings ! We are small company in operating in the construction field , offering specialized service for the hydro-isolation of your house , company buildings and secure your foundations, walls and roofs from humidity ! We offer the best materials from latest technology in the field , and best prices ! We offer also services in house interiors , like painting , furnishing etc.. For all inquiries send us a message and we will reply as soon as possible. Thanx
20 Dec 2017

Alejkum selam jam i interesur per pun kam ber shkollen per saldator hidrualike elektricist dhe po ashtu kam punuar ne ndertim dhe montues ne mobileri nese jeni te interesuar per ndonje puntor me kontaktoni ne +355684663063
